Daughter of Linda Lawrence who has been missing for nearly 25 years pleads for closure
Daughter of Linda Lawrence who has been missing for 25 years begs for information.
Her grandmother (Linda's mother is 97) and according to Stacey Crickmore is on her last days. She wants to be able to lay her daughter to rest before she passes.
Linda Williams Lawrence left a private swimming pool in the High Meadows neighborhood of Rocky Mount at 8:30 p.m. June 13, 1996, and was never seen or heard from since.
She was 45 years old at the time and had a butterfly tattoo on her left hip. She was wearing a pink bathing suit, black T-shirt and white sandals. Her black and silver full size 1984 Ford pickup she was driving was found at Meadowbrook Park with the keys and her personal belongings still inside. Police found no signs of foul play in the truck, but Linda was never seen again.
One main theory has been that Linda and a friend owed money to someone and that person took her life and the friend has been silent according to archives regarding this case.
If you have any information on the disappearance of Linda Williams Lawrence contact Fighting Crime at 252-406-6736.
ALL TIPS REMAIN ANONYMOUS : Your personal information will not be shared with law enforcement or through motion of discovery or any other means. Fighting Crime WILL go to court so you do not have to. WHAT MATTERS IS JUSTICE!
The date of my Mother's disappearance is approaching. June 13, 1996. It has been almost 24 years taken from our lives and yet still feels like yesterday. So many unknowns surrounding her being taken from our lives. I used to hide from the ugly truths of it all and with age, as well as time, I gained more wisdom and understanding about the world of addiction. It takes the greatest of people and they get sucked into something far too greater than them. My Mother was my best friend. She was my constant and I was her world. I have chosen all these years to celebrate her life and not let the ugly of it all overshadow the amazing Mother and person she was to so many. No matter what, she deserves justice! As an only child and her daughter, I am begging for anyone to please free yourself and conscience. It is never too late to be forgiven. Our God is an all knowing God. He is a forgiving God! I do not seek revenge at all, I just want peace in my heart and mind. I do not need to know the horrible circumstances . I just want to know where she is so I can lay her body to rest the way she deserved. My Grandmother is 97 and she is on her last days. Someone please I beg of you to come forward and help me. No one deserves the hell I have lived in for all these years. The years I have missed out with her cannot be replaced. I am older than she was the last time she saw me. Imagine that! It puts time into perspective. As much as I dislike my personal laundry being aired for the public to see, I have to trust this process. I have to stop being ashamed of my story. It is what made me all I am today. I know she is at peace, but I still wonder daily and this chapter will never be closed in my life without the truth. Please everyone pray for my family. Pray someone will have the courage to finally help me. I LOVE YOU MOM! I will never give up hope or lose Faith. I know God has seen me through and I trust his plan!🙏🙏🙏
